Game Modes

Hybrid Mode

Hybrid mode otherwise known as competitive, is a game mode that has two parts on each map.

Part 1: Capture the point

In this mode your job is to capture the point before the other team does. The longer the round goes on for, the faster the point will be captured. The round will end if the point is captured or the other team is completely eliminated. The winning team will get put on Offense and the team that lost will get put on Defense on the next game mode.

Part 2: Search and Destroy

This game mode has two "sites" that have a marked area that the bomb can be planted on. Depending on the team you get put on will determine what you have to do. The Offense team will have to try to plant the bomb on the site of their choosing. The defensive team has to protect the sites from the enemy team to make sure they do not plant the bomb. If they do plant the bomb the defensive team will have to disarm the bomb in a limited time frame.


There are 2 maps Origins & Exodus:

Origins is being designed specifically for the unique style of the Hybrid mode of the game, and has two parts to it. One part is the Capture the Point map set out in the partial woods by an old lab that was used for researching the ecosystem around it. The second part is Search and Destroy. This is in the new lab, hidden inside the mountains to hide it away from the public eye.

Exodus is geared even more toward the hybrid game mode it was made for, this map quickly became a popular choice amongst the players. This Egyptian themed map was split into two parts for the game mode, one being to capture the tomb of an old Egyptian pharaoh. The second being to destroy either one of the crypts that holds the cursed Pharaohs of old.


The deathmatch mode is a large non-tactical 8v8 team deathmatch on large scale maps. There are constant fights so you can have some fun shooting enemies as well as practice with all the weapons in the game.


Hangar is placed in (obviously) a large hangar overlooking the lake and mountains. This futuristic map puts the two teams head-to-head in the form of many different play styles including up close, and very far away fighting. Bringing what players love the most together into one map.

Island is a run-down island on the edge of the world. Being inhabited by many different cultures, this map bridges all these stylistic cultures together in this unique map.

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