Genesis 1.4.0

This update brings in the addition of play to earn for playing matches. Along with this update we also have a lot of map changes to ensure we have the maps going in the right direction. This also has a couple fixes here and there. Thank you for playing in the Arena! - NEWGEN LABS


  • Shop now scales based on resolution so widescreen monitors can use the shop easier now.


  • While you are in the air, every weapon is now inaccurate.


  • Increased Crit Damage From 2 -> 4


  • Throwing time of all utility has been decreased from 0.5s -> 0.35s


  • Complete a Hybrid Competitive or TDM game will now reward you $SCRAP token. Learn more


  • When you land after jumping or falling you are now slowed down slightly.


  • Added a line showing where your attachment connects to your gun.



We felt that woods had too much going on and was too cluttered for players to enjoy their experience. On top of this we also felt that the capture the point was too large for just 5 players so we decided to completely rework almost the entire map. This was a decision that has already been planned for a while and finally was able to implement it.

Capture the Point

  • Runes has been blocked off completely.

  • Woods/Market have been completely remade to allow for a more tactical playstyle.

  • Underground has been reworked to add a long and close corridor.

  • The point now has a center stairway that connects to underground.

Search and Destroy

  • Middle has been remade

  • Added a new connection to the middle hallway from the garage

  • Removed the walkway on the back site of A

  • Removed the heaven drop down and moved it to back of the site to replace the ramp.

  • Alt Mid Connector by B Main has been changed to a boost-up spot.

  • Stairs in B Main moved toward the middle of that area.

  • Blocked off corner by B Main Entrance.

  • Removed Cylinder laying down on B bomb Site and replaced with a cube.

  • Removed the 2 Cylinder pillars on the B Bomb site and replaces with Rectangle Pillars.

  • Removed steps to get on Upper on the B Bomb site.

  • Added a hallway toward Defense Spawn to get onto Upper.

  • Made connection from B Site to Mid a hallway.


Origin has been a challenge for a while now, trying to balance the whole map the way it should be. We made some major changes to it so it can get even closer to our vision of being a tactical map.

Capture the Point

  • Blocked off Woods side of map.

  • Added a ramp to get onto the building by Dirt.

  • Blocked off every tunnel except for the main center tunnel.

  • Removed half of the underground so that only the point has an underground.

  • Removed the Mid Towers.

  • Removed the Ramps to site.

  • Removed a large rock on Ridge/Hill to open it up more.

  • Blocked off the openings to the point toward each spawn.

  • Added 2 platforms in the point for you to climb up on.

Search and Destroy

  • Moved a Connector door to A Site closer toward Defense spawn.

  • Added walls and boxes around/to the A Site.

  • Changed A Long to allow for different entry points.

  • Removed A Cubby.

  • Changed scenery for walking through the wooded part going to A Site.

  • Blocked Glass on Attackers Spawn so you can't see into Mid.

  • Blocked a quarter of Mid toward the jump up for Mid Heaven.

  • Moved the ramp up to A connector in Alt Mid farther down the Hallway.

  • Made a Zig-Zag room to get to the top of B Ramp from Mid.

  • Added a boost box next to the terminals for B Window.

  • Added a large pillar by Heaven on B Site.

  • Added some walls to the site as well as an upper part in the back of the site for B.

Last updated